Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Eli's Newest Allergy......

ALABAMA. Yes, we made our first trip to Alabama a few weeks ago. What was supposed to be a week and 1/2 trip to Andalusia and Huntsville resulted in a 3 week stint with an ER visit and 3 doctors visits. The day we got to Huntsville and were about to settle down for the night, Eli trips on the hardwoods of my in-laws and we find ourselves in the ER with 400,000 other sick kids. Many germs and 6-stitches later, we finally got back to their house at midnight. That same day Eli also came down with a small fever. With his past history of febrile seizures, I of course freaked out and took him to the doctor twice. All was good, no seizures, and we are finally well. Scott flew to Alabama to come pick us up and then got sent back out to Pittsburgh. He returned to us a few days later- with our good luck- what he thought was the flu. Luckily, it was only a severe sinus infection but we stayed away from him for a while. To all of our friends that we did not get to see, we look forward to seeing you in our next visit-- assuming Eli does not have his allergic reaction again to the state. :o). Below are some of the highlights of our trip.

Howdy ya'll!!!
Daddy, it's ok, don't be scared, I'll lead you.... I know you're not really an outdoors man...

Does this thing go any faster????
This is definitely the best way to get me to stop crying GG.
Do the accountant and FIJI stand out in this picture????
When it comes to dressing Eli--- I'm not caving in to the peer pressure.A new meaning to "string" beans. Eli's beans were easily detectable at lunch.
Uncle Dave and the cuddle bug.

Andalusia's newest taxi driver.

The famous "BIA-BIA"-- (Eli's blanket)
Caroline's bunny hat looks stunning on you dad....
After a 3 year hiatus, the Easter bunny finally came to see me early in Andalusia. (He's come to my kids every year) Yo Peter, I think you are going to need to pay up in back candy.....
Please let Caroline have her brother's hair.....
Caroline, would you like to color with me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so stinkin cute!!!!!!!!!!!!