Monday, May 4, 2009

All "Four" Love

Happy 4 months Caroline! You continue to melt our hearts and break our bank account. Your night-time sleeping habits are great, so keep up the good work. Naps-well, some days you sleep but most days you just eat. Milestones this month included rolling over from back to stomach, rice cereal, and playing in your exersaucer. At your 4-month check-up you weighed 14 pounds (50th percentile) and were 25 inches long (95th percentile). Obviously, you are built like your daddy because I was about 50th percentile for height and about 95th percentile for weight. Your giggle is contagious, and I could smell you all day long.

You are starting to hold your own against Eli. Eli's head full of hair has really worked to your advantage. I wish I could have captured the look on his face when you grabbed a chunk of it and tried to eat it.

Always remember, everything we do-- we do it all for love.....
Caroline loves to eat her clothes!

Rice cereal, yummy!!!Trouble!!!


Lanie said...

Four months, already?!? She is beautiful. It's fun to see her growing into her own personality. Glad to hear she's learning to hold her own with her big brother, too. :)

Kelley Brown said...

Precious!! I can't get over how big she is now. Miss ya'll!