Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Working 9 til...11

Sweet Caroline--- the last 3 months you have kept us really working... working to keep you off the steps, working to keep you in your bed at night, and working to keep up with your speed crawling-- and now possibly walking... as of today you have taken 12 steps in a row. Your favorite expression is "uh oh" when you purposely throw things on the floor. We can't exactly get you to say bye-bye to anyone, and I suspect it is because you can't possibly imagine why anyone would want to leave you to go anywhere. Needless to say, you love people and love social activities. At Thanksgiving you did your own performance where you told all of us that you were "SO BIG". You kept raising your hands over and over again because you enjoyed the explosion of applause you received from all your grandparents.
You are easy to please- except when hungry, and when you are put in your highchair, you're all business. So far, you eat just about anything which continues to make your brother very happy- especially when he can feed you something off his plate that he doesn't want.

You call for Daddy all the time, and call for "ma ma ma ma" when you are mad or upset. You had some great quality time with your Dad and me while Eli was in Disneyworld and we loved every minute of you having our undivided attention.

You represent everything good in this world, and we love you with all of our hearts.