My 2 year old might be on a hunger strike, but not my 8 month old! Caroline loves to eat anything, and everything. (and she has 4, almost 6 teeth) We order a happy meal for Eli and almost every time Caroline seems to go ahead and take care of it for him. We were so cautious about what Eli ate, and now with our 2nd, well, let's just say we TRY really hard.... Eli has really enjoyed the fact that she eats alot. "Eli, did you eat all of your peas?.... Yes, mommy, I did....."Hum, well Eli, what is that green stuff hanging from Caroline's mouth....."

Caroline is about to turn 9 months, but over the past few weeks she has achieved so much. My little cuddler is going into extinction, and instead she wants to be down and crawling and pulling up on to something. I think she is close to walking, and possibly because she knows she has to have more defense mechanisms for an Eli attack. Some people ask me now that I have one of each if can tell if there is truly a difference in boys and girls behavior. My answer, UH, only about as much as there is a difference between Jude Law and Michael Moore. For example, at 8 months when Eli used to take a bath, he would automatically get into Olympic swimmer mode & the way he would kick would make even Micheal Phelps tired. Caroline at 8 months, well, she just likes to sit and play with the bubbles and smile- just so princess-cute like.

There was a couple from our church in Huntsville that we had recently met. Probably 2 of the nicest people I have ever been in contact with, and they have 2 adorable girls, age 2 and 4. Last week, the husband Tim, age 31, was found dead in his car from a possible heart attack. He was on his way to pick up his girls from pre-school. I didn't know Tim very well, but his death serves as a reminder of the harsh reality that it is not a given that we will see our children grow up. Everyday of life is a gift from God, and even the most stressful of days should be considered a blessing. I'm so thankful for Scott who is such an incredible father and husband, and am so very thankful for my children. We have been doing a lot of "group hugs" around our house lately, and when we have to get up with them sometimes 4 times a night, it just doesn't seem to bother me as much anymore. I know one day I am going to really wish these days hadn't gone by so fast...